A Dancer Dies Twice®
Legal Trademark
I am the true original author of.....
A Dancer
Dies Twice®
who created
a popular trend
I have something to say!
Let's deal with the legal matters first:
The author Rosanna was the 'first to use' A Dancer Dies Twice for a manuscript, a book & a film idea.
Anyone using our legal trademark copied the idea from the author Rosanna, who posted an online copyright certificate & later opened a website using the domain name 'A Dancer Dies Twice'
The idea came from our research into ballet, as the heroine is a ballet dancer, & there was NO mention of, or any online use of the saying 'a dancer dies twice' in any format in our research for the book.
Our solicitors who were involved at the time also helped us in our research and can verify the same.
The IPO, the Intectuall Property Office for trademark, investigated all online use of 'A Dancer Dies Twice' before our mark was registered.
You can read more about this here:
Trademark & Copyright Infringement:
The internet is without borders, & even trademark solicitors agree that the unauthorised use of a trademark online still constitutes infringement.
The world has access to the internet, social media websites whether for business or personal use, we have worldwide access, there are no borders on the internet, & our online use does not restrict us to see online social media or goods & services depending on where you live in the world.
In particular where the goods and/or services are the same, & any online use would cause confusion, deception, or mistake about the source of the goods and/or services to the owners of the registered mark.
So regardless of where a trademark was registered is pointless & a futile argument to make, because any unauthorised use of someone's registered trademark on the internet with no borders, still constitutes infringement.
Those that push the boundaries are ambitious people who jump on the
band-wagon, otherwise known as coat-tailing by solicitors, riding on the back of the creation & hard work of others, & stealing ideas which is a common occurrence on the internet.
So anyone using an argument that Trademark on the internet has no legal rights worldwide is completely non-sensical.
Copyright is worldwide as per the Berne Convention law for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, which is automatic & has no restrictions. This includes our creation of this website, the contents, the author's creative work is protected by Copyright.
Therefore, Copyright protects our creative work worldwide as per the Berne Convention Copyright & Trademark protects our mark on the internet, which has NO Borders!
There are different laws in different countries, & in those countries, we have rulers, be it a President, Prime Minister or whatever they want to call it, who rules the land & their waters, but who rules the internet which has no borders & anyone can freely see everything, & which access is not denied in any part of the world?
The internet currently is like Outerspace, people communicating through a network open to all, open to all countries, open to everyone, who says that Trademark has no place in Outerspace that is ruled by NOBODY!
And, yet there are still those who push & shove, like bullies on a playground, pushing me against a wall, all because they want something I created, they want to be 'A Dancer Dies Twice®' or they want to bath in my sunlight.
It's not fair, it's not right, it's damn right got to stop!
There is a story in all of us:
I started with a small vision, like a little girl dreaming of being a ballerina, but had no experience of the arduous journey ahead of me.
It was a private ambition to write a book about grief & jealousy, about dying & surviving, a tale of love, a tale of great sorrow, of overwhelming loss.
A story based on true events that occurred in my life, & writing it as a fiction story.
Looking for a new angle, a new title never used before, I stumbled across a saying in the 'ballet industry'
Searching for all & any use of the saying via google online search engine, I found no use of the saying on google, none of Amazon, or any other link on google to suggest that anyone was using it at all.
I became the first writer who came up with the idea to call my book
This sparked a lot of jealousy!
Over the years, my creation & creativity got noticed when I opened my website, & some individuals, like students, for example, copied my ideas, & are using my original book title copied from my website.
At the beginning, there was only me using 'A Dancer Dies Twice' in any format, since then, I created a popular trend, from writers to dancers & film directors, copying my ideas.
It seems that my own storyline about jealousy is true, and not just fiction. My own creative ideas have made many people jealous of my brilliant idea, something I experienced in real life, hence why I wanted to write about jealousy.
It takes a lot of hard work & effort to write, to build a dream, to create something new, something original, as any writer will tell you.
So I have something to say to those individuals copying my ideas, my book title, you copied a creative idea from an original artist.
It was an unknown, unsued & undervalued saying in the 'ballet industry', until I created a 'popular trend' which sparked the interest of many who had NO interest in the saying, until the author, Rosanna, turned the saying into a book title, a website domain & a film idea.
Funny that, isn't it?
All & every other link on google (apart from mine) came much later & after my website opened, with some links incorporating the title 'A Dancer Dies Twice' after my website went live, like article's on ballet, youtube videos, Facebook, Twitter, websites etc etc
At the time I was registering my Trademark for A Dancer Dies Twice, an online investigation found no other mention of A Dancer Dies Twice on google by the IPO & my solicitors.
In 2015, there was no mention at all of 'A Dancer Dies Twice' of its origin, not even its link to 'Martha Graham', which only came out much later, and after my website went live, google had returned 'no searches found'.
Another strange phenomenon, isn't it?
I am the AUTHOR of a FILM & BOOK, a manuscript, also a LEGAL REGISTERED TRADEMARK.
Copyright & Trademark Infringement is not acceptable on any level.