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Publishers and editors, a writers harshest critic


  • Publishers have been left red-faced after discovering that they rejected the latest novel, The Cuckoo's Calling by J K Rowling, and Harry Potter was rejected numerous times for its lack of imagination, the single mother living off benefits is now worth billions

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  • Stephen King got 30 rejections from publishers on his very first published book, his fourth novel. His wife fished the pages out of the garbage can and encouraged him to finish the story. Never give up. #amwriting Write ..Keep Writing

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  • J R R Tolkien, author of 'Lord of the Rings', was rejected in 1953, now a successful movie.

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  • Nicholas Sparks, author of 'The Notebook', was rejected by 24 publishers. Crazy, I love his work!

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  • The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown was rejected with the words “It is so badly written”, it sold 80 million copies.

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  • Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight series, received 14 rejection letters, not only was it a best seller, but a successful movie.

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  • Audrey Niffenegger, author of 'The Time Traveler's Wife' received 25 literary agents reject letters for her debut manuscript, but she's determined and mails it unsolicited to a small publisher in San Francisco, MacAdam/Cage. Translated into over 33 languages and adapted into a movie, it goes on to sell 7 million copies.

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